3 April 2016


Having been ill for about a week now I have suffered from a serious lack of human interaction. It has been killing me, gah! It's not really the illness, the runny nose, the sore throat or even the hurtful cough, no. Apparently I have become a bit obsessed and depended on people. Friday night the people had a gathering kind of party-like evening thing. I got invited. Even my illness got invited. I had to say no.

Yesterday I picked three of those people from the station and drove them to my place. I had visited the grocery store, bought far too many kinds of biscuits, chocolate coated dried fruits and all that goodness. We sat on my floor, sipped coffee and played board games while casually chatting. Just what I had needed. The darkness crept in and and we headed to the golf course with all my cameras. It was awesome! Jumping, posing, painting with light... Thank you, for saving my social life!

Today I woke up. The throat ache is gone, the cough is gone. People, you are my placebo. 

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