Vuosi alkoi mitä upeimmalla tavalla! Olin vihdoin saanut kiinni ideasta, mitä on elämä. En enää ajatellut kouluaamuja tavalla, joita niitä yleensä ajatellaan, vaan heräsin jokaiseen aamuun odottaen uutta päivää.
Tammikuussa tapahtui niin mielettömän hienoja asioita. Tapasin ensimmäisen kerran livenä yhden parhaimmista yhstävistäni, Iidan. Vietimme parhaan viikonlopun ikinä ja nyt olen lähdössä vuoden vaihteessa, ensi perjantaina, Iidalle samaksi viikonlopuksi.
Kävin ratsastamassa viikottain ja pitkän etsinnän jälkeen löytyi ihana vuoksris, Mammutti (ei kuvassa).
My year started by the most amazing way! I had finally reached the idea based on living. I didn't anymore hate morning, but woke up every morning to a new wonderful day.
There happened so many amazing things in January. I met with one of my very best friends, Iida, at the first time in live (we had known each other for three years in internet). We spent a fantastic weekend, and now I'm going to Iida's for the same weekend after new year, next Friday.
I rode once a week in January. After a long time of searching we finally found a nice horse to part-board, Mammutti.
My year started by the most amazing way! I had finally reached the idea based on living. I didn't anymore hate morning, but woke up every morning to a new wonderful day.
There happened so many amazing things in January. I met with one of my very best friends, Iida, at the first time in live (we had known each other for three years in internet). We spent a fantastic weekend, and now I'm going to Iida's for the same weekend after new year, next Friday.
I rode once a week in January. After a long time of searching we finally found a nice horse to part-board, Mammutti.
Helmikuussa lähdimme viikoksi Kanarialle perheen kanssa. Meillä oli vuokrattu talo siellä, ja nautin ajasta tosi paljon. Upeat maisemat ja hyvät ruoat takasivat täydellisen lomamatkan.
In February we traveled to Gran Canary with my family. We'd rented a house there, right next to a beautiful golf court. Breath-taking landscapes and delicious food made our holiday one of the bests.
In February we traveled to Gran Canary with my family. We'd rented a house there, right next to a beautiful golf court. Breath-taking landscapes and delicious food made our holiday one of the bests.
Maaliskuussa oli edelleen sydäntalvi. Pakkasta riitti, niin myös lunta. Itse olen ehdottomasti kesäihminen, tai no, en ainakaan talvi-ihminen, joten tämä kevät meni pitkälle sinnitellessä.
Kävin tallilla useasti viikossa, kerran viikossa ratsastuskoululla ja pari kertaa Mammutin luona. Pääsin kilpailuihinkin avustamaan ja elin muutenkin mahtavaa hevostytön elämää.
Sitten oli pääsiäinen, josta pidän ja en pidä.
In March there was still midwinter. It was really cold and too snowy. I'm definitely a summer person, well, at least not a winter person, so that spring was just struggling with the coldness.
I spent a lot of time at stables. I still had one riding lesson per week, plus I went to ride Mammutti once or twice a week. I also got an opportunity to go to help to a competition and loads other stuff which made my life like the dream of a horse girl.
Then there also was Easter... I can't decide do I like it or not.
In March there was still midwinter. It was really cold and too snowy. I'm definitely a summer person, well, at least not a winter person, so that spring was just struggling with the coldness.
I spent a lot of time at stables. I still had one riding lesson per week, plus I went to ride Mammutti once or twice a week. I also got an opportunity to go to help to a competition and loads other stuff which made my life like the dream of a horse girl.
Then there also was Easter... I can't decide do I like it or not.
Huhtikuussa sain YFU:lta vaihto-oppilaspaikan Oseaniaan ja olin onneni kukkuloilla. Lähtö oli kuitenkin vielä niin kaukainen aihe, ettei tiennyt, miten siihen olisi pitänyt suhtautua.
Koulussa vietimme Vappua naamiaisten voimin. Olin saanut kuin saanutkin takkini valmiiksi ja esiinnyin se päälläni myös koulun muotinäytöksessä.
Kävin myös Tampereen hevosmessuilla ja tapasin Iidaa ja tämän ystävää Annua. Messut olivat ihan mukava kokemus, mutta itse matkanteosta pidin eniten :) Olenkin varmaan yksi niistä ihmisistä, joiden motto on "Tärkeintä ei ole määränpää vaan matkanteko", ja siinä kannassa aijon pysyä loppuun asti.
Edelleen huhtikuussa meillä riitti lunta, eikä se tuntunut sulavan pois koskaan.
In April I got to know I'll be an exchange student and I'll go Oceania via YFU. I was on the top of my world. Still leaving Finland was a really distant subject, so I didn't quite know how to take it.
At school we celebrated the 1st of May a day earlier and had a costume party. I'd finally finished my coat and wore it also at the schools fashion show.
We made a trip to Tampere 'cause they had a horse fair there. I got a change to meet Iida again, and this time I met her best friend, Annu too. The fair was really nice experiment but I personally enjoyed the journey more. I think I'm one of those persons whom motto is "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey" and I'll stick to it till the very end.
In April we still had ten or twenty cm of snow, which really sucked.
In April I got to know I'll be an exchange student and I'll go Oceania via YFU. I was on the top of my world. Still leaving Finland was a really distant subject, so I didn't quite know how to take it.
At school we celebrated the 1st of May a day earlier and had a costume party. I'd finally finished my coat and wore it also at the schools fashion show.
We made a trip to Tampere 'cause they had a horse fair there. I got a change to meet Iida again, and this time I met her best friend, Annu too. The fair was really nice experiment but I personally enjoyed the journey more. I think I'm one of those persons whom motto is "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey" and I'll stick to it till the very end.
In April we still had ten or twenty cm of snow, which really sucked.
Toukokuussa koettiin pikainen vuodenajan muutos, kun hypättiin -10:stä +20 asteeseen. Tämä ilmiö oli itselleni enemmän kuin tervetullut, ja kuvausreissuja riitti enemmän kuin laki sallii.
Toukokuun puolessa välissä lähdin viikonlopuksi Jämsään Iidan luo. Aika kului niin valokuvatessa kuin Hyvän tuulen messuilla, joilla mm. pääsin hypnotisoitavaksi.
Kuun lopulla oli vapaaehtoinen TET-viikko, jolloin suuntasin ystäväni kanssa maalle Vauhtifarmille. Viikon mittaan tuli rehkittyä metsässä ja kuvattua taasen ihan urakalla. Kävimme myös Ellan vuokrista katsomassa tallilla.
Ysiluokkalaisen viimeinen kouluviikko oli täynnä odotuksia ja kärsimättömyyttä. Kaikkia houkutteli hyvää vauhtia lähestyvät päättäjäiset ja kauan odotettu kesäloma. Erilaiset aktiviteetit, kuten ysientanssit ja ysien päivä, pitivät meidät toimeliaina loppuun asti.
In may we got thrue a massive change when the temperature hopped from -10 degrees Celsius to + 20 Celsius. This miracle was more than welcome to me. We made many photographing trips.
At the middle of the month I took a train to Jämsä and spent an awesome weekend at Iida's. We photographed so much and visited a fair, where I got hypnotized etc.
Then we had an optional job shadowing week. I left to country side with my friend Ella and had a fun week at Vauhtifarmi, which is kind of an amusement park (not really... there weren't any roller coasters but still loads of different cool stuff). We went to stable too. I got to photograph while Ella rode.
The last week of a nine grade student (the last year of the obligatory studies in Finland) was full of expectations and impatience. The upcoming graduation ceremony (this is probably not the right word for it) and summer holiday was in everyone's mind. Different activities like the ball and the nine grade student day kept us busy.
In may we got thrue a massive change when the temperature hopped from -10 degrees Celsius to + 20 Celsius. This miracle was more than welcome to me. We made many photographing trips.
At the middle of the month I took a train to Jämsä and spent an awesome weekend at Iida's. We photographed so much and visited a fair, where I got hypnotized etc.
Then we had an optional job shadowing week. I left to country side with my friend Ella and had a fun week at Vauhtifarmi, which is kind of an amusement park (not really... there weren't any roller coasters but still loads of different cool stuff). We went to stable too. I got to photograph while Ella rode.
The last week of a nine grade student (the last year of the obligatory studies in Finland) was full of expectations and impatience. The upcoming graduation ceremony (this is probably not the right word for it) and summer holiday was in everyone's mind. Different activities like the ball and the nine grade student day kept us busy.
Kesäkuun ensimmäisenä päivänä koitti se päivä, jota oli yhdeksän vuotta odotettu. Pakollinen koulu oli nyt ohi ja olimme vapaita tekemään mitä halusimme. Omassa tapauksessa se tarkoitti muutaman kuukauden odotusta ja sitten vihdoin alkaisi lukio.
Kesäkuussa kävin serkkujeni luona Tukhomassa, vietin 16-vuotissyntymäpäiviäni ystävieni kanssa ja lensin Englantiin viettämään siihen astisen elämäni parhaat kolme viikkoa.
At the first day of June came the day we all had dreamed about since nine years. School was over now and we were free to do what we liked. In my case it meant about two months of waiting and then going to upper secondary school.
In June I visited my cousins at Stockholm, had the best sweet 16 parties with my friends and flew to England to spent the most amazing three weeks of my life.
At the first day of June came the day we all had dreamed about since nine years. School was over now and we were free to do what we liked. In my case it meant about two months of waiting and then going to upper secondary school.
In June I visited my cousins at Stockholm, had the best sweet 16 parties with my friends and flew to England to spent the most amazing three weeks of my life.
Heinäkuulta ei ole muuta dokumenttia, kuin Englantia. Hastings tuntuu nyt kuin toiselta kodilta, jonne voisin palata tältä istumalta. Rakastin rantakaupungin kauneutta, kulttuuria, historiaa... käytännössä rakastin kaikkea muuta paitsi paikallista opettajaamme. Liiderimme oli taas sitäkin mahtavampi!
I really didn't have any else documentary from July than England pics. Hasting feels now like my second home I could go right now. I loved the beauty of the beach town, the culture, the history... practically everything except our local teacher. Our leader was luckily so amazing we didn't care our teacher!
I really didn't have any else documentary from July than England pics. Hasting feels now like my second home I could go right now. I loved the beauty of the beach town, the culture, the history... practically everything except our local teacher. Our leader was luckily so amazing we didn't care our teacher!
Elokuussa kävin mökillä pikkusiskoni kanssa. Selvisimme epäonnisen junamatkan jälkeen perille ja nautimme rauhallisuudesta pitkän viikonlopun ajan.
Näin ystävääni Peuliinaa, johon tutustuin kielikurssilla, ja teimme extempore retkiä muutamankin sen viikonlopun ajan. Vierailimme mm. Suomenlinnassa ja Korkeasaaressa.
Koulujen alkamisen jälkeen oli STS:n reunion party Helsingissä, ja saimme taas nähdä kielikurssikavereita ja muistella mahtavaa reissua.
In August we made a quite interesting journey to our grandparents' cottage by train. When we finally made it there we got to enjoy the peaceful long weekend away from the city.
My dear friend Pauliina, who I met at language course, came to Helsinki and we had a brilliant weekend. We made several extempore trips, to Suomenlinna (eng. Finland's castle) and Korkeasaari (a zoo) for example.
After schools had started STS had a reunion patry at Helsinki and we got to see each other again and talk about the great summer.
In August we made a quite interesting journey to our grandparents' cottage by train. When we finally made it there we got to enjoy the peaceful long weekend away from the city.
My dear friend Pauliina, who I met at language course, came to Helsinki and we had a brilliant weekend. We made several extempore trips, to Suomenlinna (eng. Finland's castle) and Korkeasaari (a zoo) for example.
After schools had started STS had a reunion patry at Helsinki and we got to see each other again and talk about the great summer.
Syyskuussa riitti rippijuhlia. Muistaakseni komissa rippijuhlissa tuli käytyä. Kesäisten säiden takia pystyi pukeutumaan kevyesti, mikä on aina plussaa.
Lukion takia sain matkustaa päivittäin junalla, josta nautin suunnattomasti. Koulumatkat olivat aina odottamisen arvoisia. Välillä esimerkiksi Häly rajoitti itsekseen kulkemista, mikä ei tosin kaatanut maailmaa. Hälyyn liittyminen oli ehkä hienoimmista päätöksistäni, sillä se on antanut niin paljon. Olen rohkeampi, valmissanaisempi, päättäväisempi... oi tätä listaa jatkuu... kuin ennen. Tunnen olevani osa jotain, ja olevani mukana jossain, mistä ihmiset minut muistavat.
Toisen jakson alettua alkoi myös filmikuvauskurssi, jonka kuvailemiseen en edes löydä sanoja. Innostuin totaalisesti mustavalkokuvauksesta niin filmille kuin digitaalisestikin. Tämä näkyi heti myös täällä, blogissa. Vaikka värikuviakin edelleen otan, ovat mustavalkoiset selvästi ne syrjäyttäneet.
There were sooo many confirmation ceremonies in September. We went to three parties if I remember right. Because of the summery weathers it was possible to dress lightly, which is always a plus.
The upper secondary school gave me a reason to travel by the train daily. I was and still am really happy about it, 'cause I love traveling bu trains a LOT. The way to school is always as pleasant. Sometimes clubs, like Häly limited traveling by my own but I didn't matter that either. By the way, joining Häly is probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. It has given me so much. I'm far more braver, determined... this list just goes on and on... than before. I feel like I'm a part of something and I'm in in something people gonna remember me.
Along the second period started, started also the film photographing course. I can't even describe how awesome that was. I got totally into the black and white photos, photographed to film or digitally both. It showed at here too. Even I still take color pics too, have the black and white pics clearly displaced them.
There were sooo many confirmation ceremonies in September. We went to three parties if I remember right. Because of the summery weathers it was possible to dress lightly, which is always a plus.
The upper secondary school gave me a reason to travel by the train daily. I was and still am really happy about it, 'cause I love traveling bu trains a LOT. The way to school is always as pleasant. Sometimes clubs, like Häly limited traveling by my own but I didn't matter that either. By the way, joining Häly is probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. It has given me so much. I'm far more braver, determined... this list just goes on and on... than before. I feel like I'm a part of something and I'm in in something people gonna remember me.
Along the second period started, started also the film photographing course. I can't even describe how awesome that was. I got totally into the black and white photos, photographed to film or digitally both. It showed at here too. Even I still take color pics too, have the black and white pics clearly displaced them.
Lokakuussa pääsin ensimmäiselle kuvausreissulle. Hälyyn tehtiin juttua, joka minun oli tarkoitus valokuvata, Lähdimme lauantai- tai sunnuntaiaamuna Kirkkonummelle kotieläintilalle kahden ihanan Hälyläisen kanssa. Päivä oli hauska, ja sain huomata, ettei homma ollut yhtään niin vaikeaa - tai helppoa - kuin olin kuvitellut.
Sitten pääsin vihdoin Roomaan! Italia on yksi lempimaistani, ja koska olin innostunut kulttuurista niin paljon, en voinut kuvitellakaan lähteväni minnekään muualle kuin Roomaan. Oli häkellyttävää seistä itse Colosseumin edessä, kiivetä samoja portaita, joita ihmiset jo aikoja sitten olivat kiivenneet, nähdä, miten auringon valo leikkaantui raunioiden reunoja pitkin.
Tapasin Roomassa myös hyvää ystävääni, Martaa, kehen myös tutustuin kielikurssilla. Kävelimme tunnin tai pari Rooman keskustassa, söimme gelatot ja juttelimme.
In October went to my first real photographing trip. There was a story in Häly and I was supposed to take photos to it. We left at Saturday or Sunday morning to Kirkkonummi, to a farm with two lovely Häly editors. We had a fun day and I noticed the thing was much easier - or harder - I'd imagined.
Then finally I flew to Rome! Italy is one of my favorite countries and I had (still have :D) this massive interest on culture I couldn't imagine going anywhere else. It was breath-taking to stand right in front of the great Colosseum, climb the same stares people have climbed thrue ages, see how the light splits to the edges of the ruins.
I met my good friend, Marta at Rome too. I first met Marta at the language course. We spent an hour or two walking in the center of Rome, eating gelato and talking.
In October went to my first real photographing trip. There was a story in Häly and I was supposed to take photos to it. We left at Saturday or Sunday morning to Kirkkonummi, to a farm with two lovely Häly editors. We had a fun day and I noticed the thing was much easier - or harder - I'd imagined.
Then finally I flew to Rome! Italy is one of my favorite countries and I had (still have :D) this massive interest on culture I couldn't imagine going anywhere else. It was breath-taking to stand right in front of the great Colosseum, climb the same stares people have climbed thrue ages, see how the light splits to the edges of the ruins.
I met my good friend, Marta at Rome too. I first met Marta at the language course. We spent an hour or two walking in the center of Rome, eating gelato and talking.
Marraskuussa tuli valokuvattua normaalia enemmän. Toki tähän vaikutti valokuvauskurssi ja erilaiset tehtävät koulun puolelta, mutta jotenkin myös se aikajakso. Sää oli mitä oli, luonto oli niin... "Pystymetsää ja laaketa peltoo, maisema herättää Jumalan pelkoo" ...hennon kaunis, huurteinen ja säälimätön (pähkäilin varmaan puoli tuntia, mikä sana tähän kelpaisi, enkä vaan keksinyt). KARU, nythän sen keksinkin!
Marraskuussa myös koulumme musikaali alkoi valmistua. Puolen vuoden raataminen alkoi näkyä muutamassa kaverissani. Esitys oli hieno, sitä en voi kiistää.
In November I photographed more than normal. Of course I had the photographing course which effected and some other tasks which I got from school, but also the time effected too. The weather was what it was, but the nature was so... sensitive, beautiful, rough and merciless (I thought about it and couldn't figure out which word describes it the best). BARREN, now I figured.
In November our schools musical was also ready to perform. After six months of drudge few of my friends were extremely stressed so I was glad it was finally over. The show was great, that I can't deny.
In November I photographed more than normal. Of course I had the photographing course which effected and some other tasks which I got from school, but also the time effected too. The weather was what it was, but the nature was so... sensitive, beautiful, rough and merciless (I thought about it and couldn't figure out which word describes it the best). BARREN, now I figured.
In November our schools musical was also ready to perform. After six months of drudge few of my friends were extremely stressed so I was glad it was finally over. The show was great, that I can't deny.
Joulukuussa kävin Porvoossa keräämässä joulumieltä, huonolla menestyksellä tosin. Leivoimme myös pipareita, mikä ei myöskään auttanut. Joulusta meni itselläni into joskus kaksitoistavuotiaana, jonka jälkeen on joutunut vain tekopyhästi olemaan hengessä mukana. Joulu aina vain tulee, on ja menee. Se on minulle ihan ok.
In December I went to Porvoo for an afternoon to get some Christmas spirit - same back with nothing. We baked ginger breads too - gained nothing. I lost the Christmas spirit when I was twelve. After that I've just acted like I had it. Truthfully I think I'll never find it again. Once it's lost, it's lost forever.
Every year the Christmas comes, it is and then it goes. It's fine for me.
In December I went to Porvoo for an afternoon to get some Christmas spirit - same back with nothing. We baked ginger breads too - gained nothing. I lost the Christmas spirit when I was twelve. After that I've just acted like I had it. Truthfully I think I'll never find it again. Once it's lost, it's lost forever.
Every year the Christmas comes, it is and then it goes. It's fine for me.
Tässä vielä tämän vuoden lemppariksi valikoitunut kuva :) Postaukseen -->
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta jokaiselle! Nyt kiitän ja kuittaan, nähdään ensi vuonna!
Here's my favorite picture of the year :) Click to post -->
Happy New Year to everyone! So now I'll thank and check off, see you next year!